In one minute-run 100m then for the reminder of the minute as many pullups as possible. Repeat until either a)50 pullups b)75 c)100 d)35 deadhang chinups have been completed
After our Olympic lifting class on Saturday we headed up to Clapham to Jack and Bredhan's opening day of their new box in2CrossFit (CrossFit Clapham) a variety of workouts were taking place throughout the day.
Team wod 100 shoulder to overhead 100 wall ball 100 box jumps 400m with the med ball (each)
followed by
10 kettlebell swings 10 burpee to boxjump amrap 7 mins
Many thanks to the Clapham guys for their hopitality and we look forward to seeing them soon.
Grace with a twist, from ground to over head, usually a power clean to push jerk. Each time you had to stop, run 50m. 50kg was the "norm" weight, some scaled back depending on ability, mechanics or movement issues. I think when we do this again, we'll see heavier.