Sunday, 29 August 2010


Split snatch tech and lifts

5 muscle snatch
10 burpees
run 50m
amrap 9 minutes.
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From Pori with love

Sumo deadlift hi pull

Max reps ring pressups x 2

0-60 secs run 100m then as many toes to bar as possible until the end of the minute, then repeat the run. Continue until 50 toes to bar have been completed.
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Wednesday, 25 August 2010


Burgener warmup

Snatch tech

5 snatches
10 box jumps
run 200
x 7.


Train a lift you need to work on, create balance, if you squat more than you deadlift, you deadlift, if you need to work on the press, pp or pj, this should be addressed. If your overhead squat is challenging, challenge it.

A brief Nicole
as many pullups as possible, then run 200-amrap 10.
My apologies to the 5pm class and their impromptu outside wod (20 swings, 100m waiters walk x 5 in case you're wondering)

Monday, 23 August 2010


Cleans (full squat)
ring dips.
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Sunday, 22 August 2010

Camp Pendleton

Camp Pendleton
15 swings
15 pressups
run 400
amrap 20

jeff martin


FU Jeff Martin.
This workout was originally a birthday Wod for Jeff Martin (CrossFit Brand X-co creator of the Kids programme, and general hero of mine) The Wod was 51 thrusters at 50 kilo's, the forfeit being that if the bar goes to the floor, a round of Cindy is performed-for the first time, if it goes down again, two rounds and so on.
We niced this up a little-25 thrusters, if it hits the deck, 3 pullups, 5 pressups, 7 squats-still proved "interesting".
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Friday, 20 August 2010

Dirty thirty

30 box jumps
30 jumping pullups
30 kettlebell swings
30 walking lunges
30 knees to elbows
30 push press
30 wall ball
30 burpees
30 double unders.
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Wednesday, 18 August 2010


Run 200m
roll the pair of dice for number of burpees required
10 hang muscle snatches
Amrap 12.
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50 double unders
50 situps
then descending sets by 10
Connor Martin 5.22
Jamie 5.30
Jo 4.46!

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Thursday, 12 August 2010


Using fight gone bad protocol, one minute of each of the following movements


handstand pressup

three rounds.
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Wednesday, 11 August 2010


L.o.C.-trunk/torso orientated.

10 toes to bar
10 weighted box step
10 wall ball
amrap 10 mins
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Nicole variant.

5 of 3

Nicole variant
Max reps kettlebell swings, when the kb is put down, run 400m, amrap 20 mins
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Monday, 9 August 2010



Nice to see more and more people doing this as prescribed with either 95 or 65 pounds.
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Sunday, 8 August 2010


Neil was away doing the CrossFit Kids cert in Manchester, I took the class :0

15 swings
100m waiters walk
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Saturday's Oly class

Overhead squat

Snatch balance

Sotts press

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Happy hours


Death by either:
wall ball

With a continuously running clock do one pull-ups the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute...... continuing as long as you are able.

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Thursday, 5 August 2010

Train your weakness.

Skillset day.

We have movements we like and movements that are "less popular", movements that are technical, require greater endeavour, greater flexibility and often just practice.

Wods included:
Full cleans and ring dips 21/15/ 9 aka "Elizabeth"

5 cleans, 5 pullups, run 100 amrap 12.
3 hspu, 5 cleans run 100 amrap 12.
5 muscle ups, 5 push jerk amrap 12.
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Wednesday, 4 August 2010


Run 400
25 burpees
x 6

With some of our work it's best not to look at the big picture, take it round by round. The workout is a task, it needs to be chipped away, metre by metre, burpee by burpee.
The first two rounds are worst if you let it loom ahead, then round three comes around, and you're half way, then four appears out of the fog of the burpees, after that there's only fifty burpees, you can do fifty burpees's.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010


135 pound Clean and Jerk, 30 reps

Use 95 pounds, 65 pounds or broomstick as needed Posted by Picasa

Monday, 2 August 2010

Missing pieces

Apologies for the lack of blogging last week, missing workouts were as follows
7 ring dips
7 power cleans
3 handstand pressups
7 deadlifts
50 double unders amrap for 12

We shifted the oly class back to friday, and studied the snatch then introduced
a (hopefully) sub 5 minute.
5 overhead squat or muscle snatch
5 pressups
5 wall ball

The class was shifted back a day as I attended a mobilty workshop taught by Jami Tikkanen of Thames CrossFit, much pain ensued!

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