Tuesday 15 June 2010


So originally the planned programming was 5 of 3 on power cleans then the earlies did 3 power cleans, 5 dips 7 box jumps x 7, which was fine.
However main page yesterday was row 500, bw bench 30, row 1000, bw bench 20, row 2000 bw bench 10-which sucked, thusly the fours and fives did that.
RWR did lynne in the 4 and a "Finisher" (Pete from 3D's idea) which was a tabata sledge hammer to tyre and kettlebell swing-just the two movements instead of the 4. This provoked more thought, keep the power clean on strength bias, but add a full tabata of hammers, swings, power cleans and box jumps-the joys of programming!
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