"Lynne" Max reps of benchpress at bodyweight (scale as relevant) Max reps pullups-don't drop odd the bar! five rounds, not timed, rest as required between rounds.
Lift of choice-work on a weakness, if you feel all you have is weakness then you need to squat more.
F.O.M.Y.C. in the first minute run 100 metres then for the remainder of the minute perform as many swings or toes to bar as possible, at the end of the minute run again until either 50,75 or 100 have been performed.
It must be said, this new Girl benchmark was heavily scaled, movements reduced, scaled but also rep range increased. Those without a 60 kg/40kg snatch or full muscle up had rep ranges increased to 12/9/6.
Amanda was the first workout of this years Crossfit Games, and was a fitting tribute to an athlete appreciated and remembered by many in our community.
I don't teach these, I generally like to watch them and see how our athletes take different cues and intructions from our Kettlebell trainer, Neil (who incidentally does a great job.)
K, pictured here, will sadly be leaving us shortly, she's going on sabbatical, leaving her job and travelling through India, plans are in place to visit the Crossfit Ashram in the north on her travels. K has been a great student at Crossfit Hove, diligent, commited and naturally athletically talented (much to her suprise) She will be greatly missed, we wish her safe travels.