run 400m
21 swings
12 pullups
( A brief note about the workouts-apparently there are two new people reading the blog, taking the readership into double figures!-thus we'll talk about how "helen" a benchmark girl from hq works-we'll touch upon scalability in a minute-but of course if I blog that after this you'll read that first-Anyway
Helen starts with a 400 run, followed by 21 kettlebell swings, the swings performed with a straight arm and going fully overhead. Kettlebells are often only swung to mid chest-in CrossFit we choose to employ a full range of motion (rom) taking the kb overhead so that we can see the ear infront of the arm at its highest position. We swing over head simply because it is more work and employs more of the body to do so. Lastly we have 12 pullups-again scalable whether banded, jumping, jumping kipping or kipping or butterfly. This is all done 3 times, so total work is 1200m, 63 swings and 36 pullups, all done as quickly as possible.)
notverybrief miley.
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