Monday, 30 November 2009


We have a guest trainer with us for the week, Jacob Tsypkin from CrossFit Monterey and co-author of He is despite his youth an "oldschool CrossFitter" and has huge knowledge of movements and technique-he also shouts a lot!!

Overhead squat

In one minute run 75m then do as many burpees as possible for the remainder of the minute, do for a total of 75 burpees.
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TexasPatrick said...

And apparently eat walnuts whole . . . And shouting is good for your gym, there Miles, you're more of the 'arched eyebrow' type . . .

Anton & Derek said...

he's mean and shouty, not like miles

Tsypkin said...

Hoffman: Those are blueberries.

Anton: You need it.