Friday 16 July 2010

CrossFit Total

Apologies for not blogging for a couple of days, tuesday and wednesday saw people either playing catchup with The Chief or doing slightly longer bodyweight orientated workouts. Yesterday saw the CrossFit Total, a one rep max for the deadlift, shoulder press and back squat. these are then added together as a cumulative total, 3 attempts on the one rep max were allowed.

It's pretty important to not spend the day prior to these lifts cogitating on the outcome of what faces you. The majority of the time our athletes have no idea what awaits them at CFH (surprises are fun!) But for the total prior warning was given so rest days could be taken as necessary if so desired. For our newbies it was good practice and constructive, for our not so newbies it was heavy! Well done to all-very proud of you.

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