Monday 18 January 2010


Firstly apologies for the lack of blogging last week, we were closed for a couple of days as I travelled over to Switzerland to take my CrossFit level 2 certification. The level 1 and level 2 certifications are entirely different learning experiences.
The level 1 is seen as a starting point to instruct the individual more about functional fitness, what CrossFit is, how we would programme movements together to create workouts, what we should eat and most importantly the 9 foundational movements that lie in the heart of what we do. It is seen in regards to being a trainer as the begining of that knowledge development.

The level 2 assesses over two days the application of that knowledge of the core movements, the trainers presence, attitude, ability to run group workouts, move well during demonstrations or have a recognition of faults in ones own movement. Lastly "Visual perspicuity", is assessed, this is the ability to differentiate between good and bad movements and knowledge of how to get the athletes to move better, using cue points or reinforcing progressions for our more complicated movements.

This level 2 was the last of its kind, the certification process is being re-worked so that potentially less prepared coaches will be able to understand what is expected, then if they so choose undergo the assessment at their own behest.

(In case youre wondering I've attended 3 level 1 certs and am pleased to say I passed my level 2)
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1 comment:

GU1 Strength and Conditioning said...

Congratulations Miles. Well done.